Contact Me


If you can’t find what you are looking for. Sometimes if there is a particular print you need and can’t find the right size or product. I am happy to resize my print files to fit your requirements or add new products.

Aerial hoop.

If you are not sure if aerial hoop lessons are right for you. A lot of people say to me, they don’t have enough upper body strength, and the truth is you don’t need this to start with, and you will build upper body strength as you progress.

Don’t let other people put you off, some will say you’ll never be able to do that, but you will, only you know what you are capable of. I have had people start that are over 50 with absolutely no fitness background that are now at an advanced level. Invest in yourself. It’s great for mind and body.

Contact me. 

I am always happy to help. You can leave me a message here. Messages you write here are not visible to the public, so please do not worry as I am the only one that will be able to view it. And I will get back to you asap. Or you can connect with me on my social pages if you have them.

Click here to email me

